Our cider, or sagardoa Barkaiztegi, is a high quality product with the seal of approval of independent, certified laboratories, as well as with a historical background of eight generations of cider-makers to its credit. It is drink that is made using the most modern technology, whilst following the traditional methods of our ancestors.
Barkaiztegi falls under the "Gorenak, select ciders from Basque Country" seal, a brand that identifies the most outstanding ciders in Euskal Herria. This is the first collective seal for natural Basque sagardoa, and its mission is to identify the best ciders to certify their quality.
All sagardoa batches go through Fraisoro’s agro-environmental laboratory’s testing, owned by the District Council of Gipuzkoa. This means that our sagardoa also undergoes a tasting panel by Fraisoro, certified by ENAC. Said testing certifies the quality of sagardoa Barkaiztegi.
This cider originates 100% from the apple orchards of the Irizar family.
The apples are picked at their optimum moment of ripeness, in order to extract their full potential, and they stand out among other things, for their strength, colour, genuineness, enduring flavour and harmony. These ciders are graded by tasters trained and certified by official authorities.